Jun 20 2015 1 Introduction Bulk single grain rare earth cuprate superconductors of the RE Ba Cu O RE BCO family where RE is Nd Sm Gd Y Yb etc can generate magnetic fields that are an order of magnitude higher than those achievable using conventional permanent magnets 1 However one of the key factors preventing the wide scale adoption of these
Superconductivity at 93 K in a new mixed phase Y Ba Cu O compound system at ambient pressure MK Wu JR Ashburn CJ Torng PH Hor RL Meng L Gao ZJ Huang Physical Review Letters 58 9 908 1987 9533 1987 Evidence for superconductivity above 40 K in the La Ba Cu O compound system.
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Jul 07 2021 1 INTRODUCTION The high field performance of single grain RE Ba Cu O or RE BCO where RE = Y or a rare earth element bulk high temperature superconductors is limited by a combination of their mechanical and thermal properties in particular their mechanical strength and thermal conductivity 1 At present low values of these parameters lead to brittle
bD y In this letter detailed results are presented on a speci c new chemical compound system withL =Y M =Ba A =Cu D =O x =0.4 a =2 b=1 andy 4 with a stable supercon ducting transition between 80 and 93 K For the rst time a zero resistance state < 3 10 8 cm an upper limit only determined by the sensitivity
Joining of different Y–Ba–Cu–O blocks By Kazumasa Iida Review on the Use of Superconducting Bulks for Magnetic Screening in Electrical Machines for Aircraft Applications
ductivity ofY Ba Cu O system compounds in the range of liquid nitrogen LN2 temperature with the same composi tion and heat treatment temperature This letter reports the effect of distortion of the crystal structure caused by differ ent treatment conditions on the superconductivity of Y Ba Cu O system compounds.
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Cubic phase in the Y Ba Cu O system Cubic phase in the Y Ba Cu O system Phys Rev B Condens Matter 1991 May 143 13 11396 11399 doi 10.1103/physrevb.43.11396 Authors JA Agostinelli S Chen G Braunstein PMID 9996881 DOI 10.1103/physrevb.43.11396 No
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850 1996 Frequency dependence of the ac susceptibility in a Y Ba Cu O crystal A reinterpretation of AP Malozemoff TK Worthington Y Yeshurun F Holtzberg PH Kes Physical Review B 38 10 7203 1988 510 1988 Direct measurement of the temperature dependent magnetic penetration depth in Y Ba Cu O crystals.
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In situ neutron powder diffraction measurements show that the orthorhombic to tetragonal phase transition in Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7 − x which occurs near 700°C in a pure oxygen atmosphere is an order disorder transition in which the disordering of oxygen atoms into a normally vacant site destroys the one dimensional Cu O chains present in the
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