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Geology and structural evolution of the Muruntau gold deposit

The Besopan Suite is a 5 000 m thick sequence of turbiditic siltstones shales and sandstones The ore is primarily localized at the base of the Besopan 3 unit which is a 2 000 m thick series of carbonaceous shales siltstones sandstones and cherts Initial gold deposition took place within the Sangruntau Tamdytau shear zone which was

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The muruntau gold deposit Its geologic structure metasomatic mineral

D Gilbert The Muruntau gold deposit is situated in the Kyzyl Kum Desert of Uzbekistan It is currently being mined in the world s largest open pit gold

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Gold Ore Bloc rare que l on trouve parfois dans les mines profondes permettant d obtenir des lingots d or après cuisson du minerai brut d or dans un four Depuis la version 1.10 on les trouve en abondance dans les biomes Mesa Identifiant 1.13 et minecraft gold ore Identifiant avant 1.13 minecraft gold ore Numéro ID avant 1.8


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The Muruntau gold deposit Uzbekistan

May 01 2016  The Muruntau gold deposit in the Central Kyzylkum Uzbekistan is one of the largest single gold deposits worldwide Data available from the literature are reviewed with the aim to 1 integrate the present knowledge on this unique deposit from Russian and English literature 2 show the considerable progress made in the understanding of the genesis of the Muruntau

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